
Adam Schoales : : Blog

Thoughts, process, and other ramblings.


Posts tagged Workflow
Promo Edit: Lessons Learned

Recently we were contacted to help put together a promo for the second season of CBC’s Canada’s Smartest Person series. The deadline was tight; we had only a few short days to turn everything around and as a result we needed to make sure we worked as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Naturally I turned to Final Cut Pro X to help. I had a pretty good idea of how to tackle the project, and figured that despite the original show being cut in Avid that Final Cut Pro X was up to the job.

There were a few bumps along the way, and some lessons learned that I wanted to quickly share with my fellow editors so they are prepared should they ever find themselves in the same boat.

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FCP X Tip: Premiere Pro to Final Cut Pro X

I was recently approached about cutting a project that had been assembled in Adobe Premiere Pro. And while I have nothing inherently against Premiere, I must prefer to work in, and am much faster and more familiar with Final Cut Pro X.

But since I didn't want to waste time re-creating the work that was already done in Premiere I decided to look around to see if there was a quick solution for taking a Premiere Pro project and converting it into a workable Final Cut Pro X project.

Sure enough there was. Click through to find out how.

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