
Adam Schoales : : Blog

Thoughts, process, and other ramblings.


Posts tagged workflow
Packaging with FCP X or How to Stripe Audio

Recently I had to do the final packaging of a show that we cut using Final Cut Pro X, or more specifically add our finished, mixed, and mastered audio files to a colour graded master video file. I was pretty well versed in this process using Final Cut Pro 7 back in the day, but had never actually had the occasion to do it with Final Cut Pro X. The problem I was having was that each audio file was supposed to correspond to a separate audio channel, which in the old days corresponded to the tracks in your NLE. But, as we all know, Final Cut Pro X has no tracks. So what are we to do?

Read on to discover how we can re-stripe our audio with Final Cut Pro X and the magic of Roles.

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