
Adam Schoales : : Blog

Thoughts, process, and other ramblings.


The Signature Moves of David Fincher

To celebrate the upcoming release of David Fincher’s latest film, The Killer, I produced this latest entry in TIFF’s Signature Moves series for our YouTube and social channels.

From his earliest days working for ILM on Return of the Jedi; to his countless music videos for stars like Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Jay-Z; to his groundbreaking big-screen adaptations, there's no one with an eye quite like David Fincher.

But how does he do it (apart from doing over 100 takes)? Through his use of razor-sharp precision; his omniscient and unencumbered camerawork; his pitch-black comedy; and the recognition that deep down people are perverts.

Films Included: The Social Network (2010), Alien3 (1992), SE7EN (1995), Zodiac (2007), Mank (2020), Panic Room (2002), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011), Gone Girl (2014), The Game (1997), Fight Club (1999), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)